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Practical and pretty! Make these gold stone magnets in 2 minutes

There is no reason for your fridge not to have a little touch of class to it, right? And this magnet DIY is just the way to make it happen.
/ Source: TODAY

There is no reason for your fridge not to have a little touch of class to it, right? And this magnet DIY is just the way to make it happen.

All you need to pull off this magnet DIY is a $10 trip to the craft store and two minutes of your day. Ready? Go!

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  • 1 bag of gold rocks (we used these)
  • 1 package of small magnets
  • Super glue


1. Add a small dot of super glue to the back of the magnet.

Samantha Okazaki / TODAY

2. Apply the magnet to the rock and hold it firm until it's secure.

DIY gold rock magnets
Samantha Okazaki / TODAY

3. Once dry, your magnet is ready to use!

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DIY gold rock magnets
Samantha Okazaki / TODAY