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Carson Daly reveals how he has 'embraced' his anxiety disorder

The TODAY anchor shares details about his anxiety disorder, in light of NBA star Kevin Love opening up about panic attacks.
/ Source: TODAY

For the millions of people struggling with mental health problems, diagnosis can be a crucial step in learning how to manage their frightening symptoms. That’s what helped Carson Daly.

The TODAY anchor revealed Wednesday that he was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, which creates excessive and sometimes intrusive feelings of anxiety or worry for people who have it. Carson said he also has mild panic disorder, which is similar to what NBA star Kevin Love has been trying to manage.

The 29-year-old Cleveland Cavalier opened up in a personal essay about about a panic attack he experienced that forced him to take a closer look at his mental health. Love said he hopes that by revealing his journey, it will help others in need, particularly men and boys, to seek help.

For Carson, getting diagnosed with anxiety has led him to learn how to cope with the times his body experiences “fight or flight” responses or moments where “I feel like a tiger’s in the room but it’s not there."

Learning more about the condition also has helped Carson accept what he can't change about himself.

"I have just embraced the fact that’s how I’m hardwired, and I understand it and I accept the model," he said, adding that he's received treatment to help him cope with symptoms.

"I got the help I need and I have the tools now to get beyond those tough moments," he said.

Carson opens up about his anxiety issues
Carson says he's "embraced" his anxiety as part of who he is. "I’m just hardwired that way."TODAY

Carson said he views his anxiety as a part of him, just like any other personal trait.

“It’s also why when I hear music I get the chills, or when I see a beautiful sunset," he said. "It’s really understanding how you look at it."