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@TODAYshow's hashtag: Tell us #WhyILoveSummer

In celebration of the first day of summer, we want to hear about your favorite part of the season.Do you love relaxing on the beach, barbecuing in the backyard or swimming in the pool? If so, tell us about it!Tweet @TODAYshow with the hashtag #WhyILoveSummer. Al, Savannah and Natalie also tweeted about the reasons they love summer:  See all of the #WhyILoveSummer responses here.Follow @TODAYshow

In celebration of the first day of summer, we want to hear about your favorite part of the season.

Do you love relaxing on the beach, barbecuing in the backyard or swimming in the pool? If so, tell us about it!

Tweet @TODAYshow with the hashtag #WhyILoveSummer. Al, Savannah and Natalie also tweeted about the reasons they love summer: 


See all of the #WhyILoveSummer responses here.

Follow @TODAYshow for future hashtag questions, and become a fan of anchors @MLauer, @AnnCurry, @AlRoker, @NMoralesNBC and @SavannahGuthrie.