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Meredith Vieira, Commencement Streaker, Uh, Speaker

Yesterday, Meredith Vieira had the honor of delivering the commencement address at her alma mater, Tufts University. She also received an honorary degree, so she's now Dr. Vieira. Though as Meredith is quick to point out, "I could not get in [to Tufts] today if I tried."She talked about the experience this morning with Matt. WATCH VIDEOHere are some highlights from her speech:"What I found is that

Yesterday, Meredith Vieira had the honor of delivering the commencement address at her alma mater, Tufts University. She also received an honorary degree, so she's now Dr. Vieira.

Though as Meredith is quick to point out, "I could not get in [to Tufts] today if I tried."

She talked about the experience this morning with Matt. WATCH VIDEO

Here are some highlights from her speech:

"What I found is that all of us need to connect, we need to reach out to each other. It is the greatest gift that you can give to anybody and ultimately the most important gift of all. You're very special kids to be graduating from this school. I hope you know it. You're here because you are leaders, you have a mission. You also have an internal compass in each and every one of you. And I would urge you to listen to it. Follow that voice."

"There is no easy way to get from point A to point B, nor is there any right way."

"No question is too stupid. You're not as smart as you think you are, and you never will be. There's always room to learn. Don't be scared to ask."

"I've learned that as much as you reach forward for your dream, it's important to never forget to reach out to those around you."

"January of 1975, I led a group of female students across the campus streaking, literally… and it was really cold, I remember that. And at one point I looked over my shoulder and the only behind I saw was mine as I was crouching in the bushes, waiting for the campus police to drive by, with their high beams on, because you gotta catch these girls in the act. It struck me that every leader, no matter how small, occasionally will find themselves alone and exposed."