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Pudgy pets head to sports clubs to shed the pounds

Humans aren't the only Americans struggling with weight.Approximately 43 million dogs in the country — over half of the dogs in the U.S. — are overweight or obese, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. And just as humans have gyms and nutritionists ready to help tackle the excess fat, cats and dogs are getting help at pet weight-loss centers throughout the country.RELATED:
english bulldog sitting with backside to the camera; Shutterstock ID 32746438; PO:
WilleeCole Photography / Today

Humans aren't the only Americans struggling with weight.

Approximately 43 million dogs in the country — over half of the dogs in the U.S. — are overweight or obese, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. And just as humans have gyms and nutritionists ready to help tackle the excess fat, cats and dogs are getting help at pet weight-loss centers throughout the country.

RELATED: 4 workout moves to help you and your dog lose weight

Frolick's Dogs in Alexandra, Virginia describes itself as a "canine sports club" committed to helping pooches stay physically active and maintain a healthy weight. It has a 6,000 square-foot exercise facility for dogs to roam, explore and burn calories.

“Everyone’s always looking for new and different ways to exercise their dog,” said Kim Gilliam, owner of Frolick's Dogs, where there is a monthly membership fee of $50 a month. “We wanted to provide a great option for year-around dog exercise.” 

RELATED: Got a plump pooch? How about gym memberships for dogs

Morris Animal Inn in Morristown, New Jersey, is another weight-loss center helping both cats and dogs. The all-inclusive facility includes an indoor swimming pool, whirlpool, “Doga” classes (that's doggy yoga), low-calorie meals and even salon treatments. And while it may sound extravagant, Morris Animal Inn is helping pets shed weight and even find forever homes by doing so.

Just ask Toby, a dachshund who was living at a nearby shelter with no adoption offers. He joined Morris Animal Inn weighing in at nearly 30 pounds. 

"When people go to shelters, they look for the cutesy dogs," said Debora Montgomery, marketing manager of Morris Animal Inn. "Because he's overweight, he might have a little bit more difficulty."

Since getting on a program at Morris Animal Inn, Toby has lost seven pounds and was recently adopted by a family committed to helping him continue shedding the pounds, making his weight loss a big win.