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Hey, guac lovers: Here's the best way to pit and cut up an avocado

Sliced in salad, mashed on toast or even blended into a smoothie — there's nothing better than a perfectly ripe avocado. Bonus points for the fact that the creamy green fruit is good for you, too!But before you can eat that avocado, you have to get the pit out and slice the thing up. In the latest installment of's Easy Does It, food hack sleuth Katie Quinn looks into the best way to g

Sliced in salad, mashed on toast or even blended into a smoothie — there's nothing better than a perfectly ripe avocado. Bonus points for the fact that the creamy green fruit is good for you, too!

But before you can eat that avocado, you have to get the pit out and slice the thing up. In the latest installment of's Easy Does It, food hack sleuth Katie Quinn looks into the best way to get at that delicious flesh without mangling your avocado (or yourself).

See which techniques worked best for Katie, then weigh in with your own tricks for getting at the good stuff. Once you've opened your avocado, find out how to keep guacamole from turning brown.