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I walk at least 3 miles a day, but my feet stay pain-free in these bestselling flats

The affordable shoes are so comfortable, I’ll be wearing them for life.


I've had flats and ballet slippers before. Until recently, though, I've never owned a pair of ballet flats. I think it's because I grew up doing ballet and I've always considered them to be indoor shoes. However, I've been traveling for work recently, and living out of a carry-on suitcase and a backpack doesn't afford me much space for shoes. So, I decided for my "nice shoes" I'd try a bestselling pair I found on Amazon. They didn't cost a lot and don't take up a lot of packing space, but would I like them?

Amazon Essentials Belice Ballet Flat

Thousands of women love them

The Amazon Essentials Belice Ballet Flat is currently ranked No. 1 on Amazon's list of Bestsellers in Women's Flats. I was drawn to them because they have a 4.3-star average rating from over 69,000 reviews. (And the $24 price tag didn't hurt.)

The bestselling shoe comes in 23 different colors, including some cool metallics and eye-catching animal prints. I don't think I have the confidence to wear a pair of leopard heels, but leopard flats? I suppose I could probably pull those off.

One thing to note: many reviewers say that they run small, so the brand recommends ordering in a half-size up.

They go with everything I own

Katie Jackson / TODAY

For my first pair, at least, I didn't choose leopard. I opted for a classic beige color. They look great with everything from stylish jumpsuits to my favorite jeggings, plus, all my shorts, skirts, pants and jeans in between. The only thing in my wardrobe they don't work well with is my collection of maxi dresses, which is only because my legs aren't long enough and I'm too lazy to hem the skirt.

I think the reason why ballet flats have been trendy for centuries is because they are so versatile. In fact, even men have been known for joining the ballet flat fan club. The Wall Street Journal once deemed them "the strangest trend in men's shoes."

They're comfortable enough to wear on cobblestones

Katie Jackson / TODAY

For being incredibly minimalistic, these ballet flats are surprisingly comfortable. My size 9 shoes weigh less than an apple and can fit in my coat pocket. Despite not having thick soles, I don't feel the ground as much as I thought I would. Keep in mind, I mostly wear these around Portugal, where I'm currently based, and walk at least three miles a day on cobblestone streets.

They're also quite comfortable on the inside. I've been taking surfing classes for five weeks, and my feet are destroyed from being barefoot on the beach and on the board. Still, even without wearing socks or Band-Aids, these shoes don't rub against my sores and cause blisters.

I'll be wearing them for life

Katie Jackson / TODAY

I may have waited until later in life to start wearing ballet flats, but I know I'll be wearing them for life from here on out. Because I cover so much ground and mine are beige, it might not be this exact pair I'll be wearing forever (although one reviewer has had success cleaning hers in a washing machine). Since these flats are just $24, I think I can afford to switch to another pair when the time comes. Who knows? When I'm a little older and bolder, I might even try the leopard print.