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Special to probe ‘American Idol’ rumors

‘Primetime Live’ to explore ‘explosive claims’ about top show
/ Source: The Associated Press

ABC's "Primetime Live" will air a special that the network said will "explore explosive claims about behind-the-scenes activities" at Fox's hit show "American Idol."

The hourlong report is scheduled for 10 p.m. EDT May 4.

Details about the planned report were unavailable, an ABC News spokesman said. A call seeking comment from Fox was not immediately returned.

"American Idol," in its fourth season and one of television's top-rated programs, gives singers a shot at a record contract.

While ratings have remained strong, there's been consistent fan grumbling about overloaded phone systems that have made it tough for some viewers to cast votes. "American Idol" also has been shadowed by contestants who were bounced after they failed to disclose personal information.