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Get real, moms! Take our survey and tell us what you really think

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who participated in the survey! We got a great response and it is now closed. Check back with TODAY Moms to find out the results later this summer!What's your biggest mom secret?We all have them. Even in this post-Oprah age of oversharing, there are some things we just don't talk about. Have you ever wished you had a girl instead of a boy, or vice versa? Ever use work as

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who participated in the survey! We got a great response and it is now closed. Check back with TODAY Moms to find out the results later this summer!

What's your biggest mom secret?

We all have them. Even in this post-Oprah age of oversharing, there are some things we just don't talk about. Have you ever wished you had a girl instead of a boy, or vice versa? Ever use work as an excuse to get out of child-care duties? (Gee honey, I'd love to chaperone Junior's class trip to the water treatment plant -- darn that early meeting at work! Guess you'll have to do it....) Ever secretly fear your partner is a better parent than you? (After all, he did love that trip to the water treatment plant.)

We've teamed up with for a survey on what moms really think -- about their kids, their partners, and each other. Click here to take the survey. How honest will you dare to be? Check back for results in a few weeks. In the meantime, take the survey and share it with your friends -- if you're ready to get real!