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Crib notes: Boy gets suspended for holding door for woman at school

If you've been working on teaching your kids basic good manners, you might want to reconsider -- that decent human behavior could get them in trouble. A middle school student was recently suspended for opening the door for a woman he knew, whose hands were full. This act, which would make any mother proud, got him into trouble because it was against school policy to let a visitor enter the buildi

If you've been working on teaching your kids basic good manners, you might want to reconsider -- that decent human behavior could get them in trouble. A middle school student was recently suspended for opening the door for a woman he knew, whose hands were full. This act, which would make any mother proud, got him into trouble because it was against school policy to let a visitor enter the building. Yes, it's a measure to make schools safer, but what kind of message are these policies sending our kids? Are we trading in polite society for a marginally safer school environment?

Is "Big Love" a big load-off for mothers? While most women might agree that polygamy is generally bad for women, some are watching shows like "Big Love" and "Sister Wives" and thinking all of that support in the mothering arena might not be so bad.

In a world where we tweet our every thought and post photos of events online as they're still happening, perhaps it's not surprising that women are sharing videos of their pregnancy test results on YouTube before they've even called their husbands with the joyous news. Next thing you know, people will be posting videos of the acts that led to those positive results online. Oh wait, that's how the Internet gained its popularity to begin with....

Girls' schools nationwide are likely already posting this next article on their admissions pages and preparing for an increase in enrollment. A new study shows that girls who initiate friendships with boys in early adolescence are more likely to engage in risky behavior later on. Parents considering sending their sons to an all-male academy might want to reconsider though, because it turns out that girls are actually a good influence on boys, who can benefit from friendships with members of the opposite sex.

Mom sues preschool for not providing a sufficiently challenging academic program - for her four year old! Sorry, we are officially speechless on that one.