See the 30 funniest parents on social media this week

These moms and dads of the internet made us laugh out loud.


Kids say the darnedest things, and they're usually funny... unless they're spilling family secrets or telling a story that just. Won't. End.

Regardless of how much they tend to embarrass us or drive us nuts, we sure do love them. And on the most stressful days of parenting, there's not much left to do but laugh.

So join us as we count down this week's funniest parents on social media.

Gotta catch 'em all!

We want the green one!

Ours, too!

It's quite a burden.

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So true...


They're always there.


We're in!

What, like it's hard?

Darn it.

This is real life.

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Bless her little heart.



Don't even ask.

That's a win.

Just don't.

Getting older is fun.


The worst mom!

A total pro...

Snip snip!


Summer's here!

Definitely tricky...

Something's not right here.

Let's not get crazy!


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