See the 21 funniest parents on social media this week

These moms and dads of the internet made us laugh out loud this Thanksgiving season.


The holidays can be stressful for many reasons. Maybe you’re worried about tense political debates at the Thanksgiving table. Or perhaps you’re under gift-giving pressure. That’s why it’s time, now more than ever, to stop and have a good laugh.

Since we know you’ve got your hands full with cooking and to-do lists, we scoured the internet for this week’s Thanksgiving edition of the funniest moms and dads on social media. Now, grab a mug of hot cocoa, kick up your feet, and join us for a much-needed spit-take.

That's fair.



So caring!


We definitely do.

It's the most wonderful time of the year.


'Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting tuwkeys.'

They also stopped making slime.

You just can't win.

Go to your room.

Just stay out of the kitchen.

Let us know if you find it.

Parenting summed up in one tweet.

This is some funny sheet.

Hard pass.

Petition granted.

Such a fun age.

So cute.

This also applies to burps and farts.
