Netflix now allows you to enjoy a movie night with friends while social distancing

You may be stuck at home, but that doesn't mean you can't take in a show or a blockbuster film with your pals.


Now you can Netflix and chill with that special someone, even if you’re not together while remaining in isolation as millions of Americans stay home in an attempt to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

A new Google Chrome extension called Netflix Party allows people to watch movies and shows on their computers at the same time.

“Netflix Party is a Chrome extension for watching Netflix remotely with friends, e.g., for movie nights with that long-distance special someone. It synchronizes video playback and adds group chat,” reads a description of the feature.

Essentially, that means you can simultaneously tune in to the same title and talk about it in real time with family and friends, like they were watching it in the same room with you. The extension will allow you to communicate on the right side of the screen, giving you the chance to express your love, hate, bewilderment and any other emotion that what you're watching makes you feel.

You can follow the steps to install on or the Chrome web store.

Once you get it up and running, you’ll have to figure out which show to watch, so if you want to see what all the “Love Is Blind” hype is about, go for it. Or, if you’re really behind the curve, now is the time to check out “Bird Box,” although maybe the doom and gloom of that flick is a little too close to real life now.