Haven't worked out all year? 3 resolutions to help you get fit in 2019

Health coach and personal trainer Stephanie Mansour shares advice for how to tackle your fitness goals in 2019.


We all know that almost all New Year's resolutions fail. Could it be that the goals are too lofty? Or maybe too intimidating?

Whatever the reason, it's time to take a different approach to setting resolutions this year, especially when it comes to your fitness routine. Low-key resolutions are perfect if you’re overwhelmed by a big commitment and don’t feel motivated to make a huge change ... But still want to make a resolution for 2019!

Check out these low-key fitness resolutions based on where you’re at in your fitness routine.

1. If you haven't worked out all year...

No problem. For this low-key resolution, commit to ONE workout per week. Do you have a gym membership that you never use? Hit the gym for one class or one workout each week. Instead of gunning for three, four or five workouts per week, start gradually and just commit to one workout per week.

The key is to really stick to it. Make it an appointment on your calendar, and tell yourself that it's non-negotiable.

2. Working out regularly, but it’s not working out?

Have you been consistent with workouts but haven’t gotten the results you were hoping for? Your low-key resolution is to change up your workout. Commit to the same number of workouts per week, but make these workouts completely different. If you’ve been going to yoga three times a week, go to a cycling class instead. Or if you’re walking on the treadmill every day, move over to the recumbent bike instead. By sparking a change in your routine, your muscles will be forced to work differently and hopefully you’ll begin to see the results you’ve been hoping for!

3. Work out your mind.

If neither of the above speak to you, then pick something low key to integrate into your daily life. It could be a morning meditation with a meditation app, an evening excerpt from a prayer or spiritual book, a daily lunch break stretch at your desk or even a five-minute yoga video from YouTube.

None of these low-key resolutions are overwhelming. They're completely doable! Aim to try one of them for a month, and take time to reflect on January 31. How are you feeling? Are you noticing some changes? If you're doing great, maybe take your low-key resolution to the next level.

By starting small you can accomplish big changes. Good luck!

Stephanie Mansour is a health & fitness expert and weight-loss coach for women. Join her complimentary weight-loss challenge here!