Anne Hathaway reveals the reason she opened up about her weight gain

The actress says she had to get ahead of "a storm" of comments from haters before the body buzz turned into something else.

Anne Hathaway recently opened up about why she's gaining weight, and now she's revealing why she opened up at all.Han Myung-Gu / WireImage

Anne Hathaway recently put the brakes on body-shamers before they even had a chance to shame her.

Last month the actress preempted any unwanted commentary about her changing proportions by revealing that she's gaining weight for a new role — and now she revealing the simple reason she decided to stop the talk before it started.

In short, she didn't want body buzz to turn into baby bump speculation.

"I didn’t feel like dealing with the pregnancy rumors," Hathaway told Glamour magazine.

So, in a message she shared on Instagram in April, she wrote, "I am gaining weight for a movie role and it is going well. To all the people who are going to fat shame me in the upcoming months, it’s not me, it’s you."

In her interview with Glamour, Hathaway explained that the post was meant to get ahead of "a storm."

"I find it bizarre that there’s a storm to get ahead of," she said. "But I have a history of being shamed and humiliated, for a lot of different reasons.”

But whether she's gaining or losing for a part in a film or for any other reason, Hathaway doesn't want to hear about it from haters.

After all, as she explained after she gave birth to her son, Jonathan, in 2016, "Bodies change. Bodies grow. Bodies shrink. It's all love (don't let anyone tell you otherwise.)"