#startTODAY: Follow Bob Harper's fitness plan for Craig Melvin

#TeamCraig should get ready for a challenge — these workouts from Bob Harper are no joke!


#TeamCraig should get ready for a challenge — these workouts from Bob Harper are no joke! "The Biggest Loser" trainer is putting Craig through workouts he's created, called "Body By Bob." They rely on movements from gymnastics, weight training and also utilize equipment that will push his metabolic conditioning.

Craig gets bored with his workouts pretty easily, so Harper's major focus was to get him excited about fitness again. The physical goal of these routines is to build Craig's overall strength and ability.

RELATED: Want more advice from Bob? Learn how to text him tonight!

Here is one detailed workout that Harper put together for Craig, followed by four more "Body By Bob" routines. Though it's important to note that if you're new to fitness, you should always meet with a trainer to learn proper form before starting your routine.

RELATED: Which diet and fitness plan is right for you? Take our quiz and #StartTODAY!

Workout 1:

Katie Connelly

Here are more detailed descriptions of the exercises:

1. Pull ups

Ugonna Okpalaoka

Perform 5 reps. If you can't do a pull up, hold an isometric hang on the bar for as long as you can.

2. Ring dips

Ugonna Okpalaoka

If rings aren't available, perform 10 dips off a box or bench.

3. Dumbbell bench press

Lay with your back flat on a workout bench. Turn palms facing outward, holding two dumbbells. Raise your arms so they are straight above your chest. Then bend your elbows and lower the weights to your chest. Perform 15 reps. Craig lifts 45 pounds, but use your best judgment about what weight is right for you. If you're a beginner, 3-5 pound weights are a great place to start.

4. Goblet squats

Ugonna Okpalaoka

Hold a heavy kettlebell while squatting. Keep your chest upright and don't hinge forward.

5. 400-meter run (.25 of a mile)

This can be done on a treadmill or outside.

Complete 6 rounds for a full workout.

RELATED: Bob Harper shares 5 simple tips to kick-start your diet

Workout 2:

  • 200 meter row
  • 60 seconds of jumping rope
  • 5 pull ups
  • 7 thrusters
  • 9 burpees
  • 200-meter run
  • 20 seconds holding a handstand up against a wall
  • Rest 1 minute
  • Complete 5 rounds

Workout 3:

  • 60 seconds on stationary bike
  • Overhead walking lunges for 50 meters with a 25-lb plate
  • 60 seconds of jumping jacks
  • 10 bench press (95 lbs)
  • 300-meter row
  • 7 toes to bar
  • 15 kettle bell swings
  • Repeat this routine for 35 minutes

RELATED: 'Biggest Loser' host Bob Harper's 5 steps to a healthier new year

Workout 4:

  • 1 minute of wall balls (holding a weighted medicine ball, squatting down and then throwing the ball to a target approx 8-10 feet away)
  • 1 minute of step ups on a box (24 inches high)
  • 1 minute of squats with a bar weighing 75 lbs
  • 1 minute of push ups
  • 1 minute of push press (taking a bar and pressing it over head from the shoulders)
  • Rest 1 minute
  • Complete 5 rounds

Workout 5:

Perform these exercises as a descending ladder, performing reps in a descending order: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.

  • Dumbbell snatch 25-35lbs (taking a hand weight from the ground directly to overhead)
  • Rower
  • Burpees jumping over the rower

Workout 6:

  • 3 handstand push ups (This is a very advanced move that can be scaled down to a seated dumbbell press)
  • 15 calories on stationary bike
  • 10 snatches
  • 10 overhead squats (65 lbs) (Hold a bar overhead while you squat down)
  • 60 seconds of jumping rope
  • 50 meters of walking lunges
  • Rest 1 minute
  • Repeat for 30 minutes

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