Mother's Day gifts you can make at home in no time

Forget the spa trip, moms and grandmothers really do love those homemade gifts, and you can make these in minutes.


While a trip to the spa and some shiny jewelry sounds like pretty nice Mother’s Day gifts, all moms and grandmothers really do love those homemade gifts from our kids. But with Mother’s Day just a few days away, you’re running out of time to get crafty. Here are 7 simple homemade gifts that you and your kids can make in minutes. You won't even be late for Mother’s Day brunch.

1. 365 reasons we love Mom

For the sentimental mom, a jar full of thoughtful love notes will be the perfect gift. Start with a large mason jar, cut out slips of colorful paper, and have your family write down reasons they love mom. From “You give the best hugs” to “You make the best pizza,” Mom will love re-reading all the reasons her family loves her all year long.

Mom will re-read these reasons she's loved all year round.Amanda Mushro

2. Homemade sugar scrub

Let mom pamper herself a little this Mother’s Day with a sugar scrub your kids can make in minutes by simply mixing coconut oil, sugar, and a few strawberries. Now we just have to leave Mom alone in the tub long enough to let her use it.

With this sugar scrub, all Mom needs is time for a long, quiet soak.

3. Picture bookmark

For the mom or grandmother who can’t put a good book down, create picture bookmarks where your kids are the stars. Just snap a picture of your kids with their hands in the air, print and cut out the photo, and attach a ribbon near their hands. You can even laminate the pictures to make sure they last longer. So quick and so cute.

Let your kids hold your place in the book they're probably preventng you from reading anyway.

4. Mother’s Day questionnaire

Kids know everything. Just ask them and they’ll tell you. For this last-minute gift, ask your kids questions about their dear old mom or doting grandmother, and the results will be a hilarious and adorable gift. Ask questions like:

What do you like to do with Mom?

What is Grandma really good at?

What does Mom like to eat?

How old do you think Grandma is? (Answer this one carefully, kid!)

What does Mom do all day? (Again, answer this one carefully!)

Another fun version of this questionnaire is to ask kids to identify their favorite food mom or grandma makes, and have them list the ingredients and how they think it’s made.

Give your kids a fun questionnaire and see how much they know about Mom and Grandma.

5. Shadow picture

Even if you aren’t a professional photographer, you can impress mom with this beautiful picture. Just cut out the words on posterboard and take your kids out into the sunshine. Snap a pic of their feet and their shadow. Print in black-and-white and put it in a black frame. See how cool it looks here. Picture-perfect!

6. Homemade stationery

The next time mom or grandma needs to write a note, let them use this homemade stationery that features a drawing your kids have made. Just copy the image onto cardstock or a tablet for this personalized gift.

Kid-made stationery is almost too sweet to use.Courtesy: Amanda Mushro

7. Mother’s Day video

If there’s one person in this world who loves pictures and videos of my kids as much as me, it’s my mom. So why not make a quick Mother’s Day video where your kids are the stars? Let them sing a song about why they love grandma, dress up in crazy costumes they choose, or use a fun app like MSQRD or Jib Jab to make your video.

Mom and Grandma would rather watch a video of the kids than the latest blockbuster.Amanda Mushro

For TODAY's complete Mother's Day Guide, click here!