It doesn't get much cozier! Baby goats rock adorable little sweaters

In a Youtube video posted by 'Sunflower Farm Creamery', adorable triplet goats are seen running around in fitted sweaters!


If there's anything cuter than a baby goat, we have decided that it's a baby goat wearing a sweater!

Just last month, we thought that no animal could top being as stylish as the tiny newborn lambs rocking their knit jumpers.

However, in this Youtube video uploaded by Sunflower Farm Creamery, three tiny goat siblings are looking mighty chic in their mini knit sweaters.

The triplets' sweaters were a gift from Stella, a friend of the farm's from Tennessee, Sunflower said in the video's caption.

Although the temperature dropped below freezing at Sunflower Farm Creamery, a goat creamery in Maine, the comfy sweaters allowed the little fellas to continue to jump around in warmth and style!

RELATED: This baby goat jumping on a pile of rocks will put a smile on your face

So far, the video has reached over 74,000 views with comments.

"The cuteness factor for goats in sweaters is off the scale!!" one fan wrote.

Thank you for being so cute, baby goats!