Distracted by little ones? 4 ways to make working out a team effort

Jenna Bush Hager caught up with fitness guru Erin Whitehead to discuss ways to squeeze in a workout while juggling the duties of being a mom.


Start TODAY is back for week 3, and there's no slowing down! With nothing standing in her way, not even her past excuses, Jenna Bush Hager is excited to share a different type of workout that the entire family will enjoy.

Hager caught up with Erin Whitehead, fitness trainer and founder of Fit Bottomed Mamas on TODAY Tuesday for more on how to squeeze in a workout all while juggling the responsibilites of being a mom.

"So one thing I've been doing lately is squats when I do laundry. I'll put the basket on the floor. Every time I pick something up, I do a deep squat. I fold it and move on to the next one. And do another squat," Whitehead said.

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She knocks out two birds with one stone — by the time Whitehead finishes that load of laundry, she's also completed roughly 50 squats.

And every time she picks up a toy, you better believe she's doing a lunge to grab it.

Once Whitehead's daughter sees her exercising, she joins in on the fun. Asked by Hager about her mom's healthy habits, little Avery eagerly mentioned that she squats, and frequently takes part in other workouts to keep active.

Whitehead had these tips to share with new moms:

When you’re at home

Throw in exercise whenever you can. Squats doing laundry, lunges while picking up toys, chasing the kids outside.

Do jumping jacks or wall sits when you're supervising the kids in the bathtub — everything counts! Have a list of go-to moves on hand so you can do them whenever you have a few minutes. Here's a quick 10-minute circuit with no equipment — you just need a chair!

Do each move for 60 seconds. It's okay to take a break if you need to; just keep moving. Extra credit if you go through it more than once!


March in place/high knees



Tricep dips


Calf raises

Bridges on a chair


Bicycle crunches


When you’re at the gym

This workout fights boredom because you're moving between cardio equipment before hitting the weights. Be sure to take advantage of the equipment that you don't have when you're at home.

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Warm up on the treadmill for five minutes

Stairmaster: five minutes

Rowing Machine: five minutes

Step-ups on a bench or box jumps (20)

Assisted pull-ups (12)

Push-ups (12)

Reverse flyes (12)

Kettlebell swings OR squats with weights ( one minute)

(Repeat one to three times as time allows)

Cool down and stretch

When you only have five minutes

When you only have a few minutes, work multiple muscle groups to get the biggest bang for your buck. Do 20 reps each of the following exercises.


Squats with overhead presses


Step-ups with lunges

Dumbbell woodchops

When you have 30 minutes

Throw in a workout DVD! These are the best way to get a focused, well-planned workout that you don't have to think about.

It's like getting your own personal trainer who will push you a little harder than you might push yourself.

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If you don't have a DVD, warm your body up for a few minutes — either take a quick walk around the block or dance and march in place for a few minutes. Then, try these circuits:


Circuit 1 (15 reps; repeat two times)

Bicep curls

Tricep extension

Reverse flyes

Circuit 2 (15 reps; repeat two times)

Squats with overhead presses

Walking lunges with twists

Circuit 3

Plank — aim for two minutes; taking breaks as needed

Side plank on both sides

Alternating oblique twist (20 reps)

Cool down

Erin Whitehead is the co-founder of FitBottomedGirls.com and FitBottomed Mamas, co-author of The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet, is an ACE-certified personal trainer with years of workout experience under her belt. Erin has a journalism degree from the University of Kansas and resides in New Jersey with her three kids.