Treat yourself! 3 tips for taking care of YOU this holiday season

'Tis the season for giving, family, sweet memories — and don't forget about YOU! Here are 3 small ways to achieve big stress relief.


This time of year is about giving, family, love and sweet memories! Yet, all too often — especially for women — we get caught up in to-do lists, shopping, cooking and ensuring everyone around us is enjoying the season.

And while we certainly don’t want you to lose sight of the joyous festivities and time spent with loved ones, we encourage you to take special care of yourself to ensure your needs are met, too!

Not only will this help combat holiday stress, but it also makes certain that you have more love to give to everyone around you.

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Tone It Up’s Karena and Katrina get ready for the holidays.Tone It Up

Here are a few ways to take care of you this holiday season:

Take a YOU night!

Consider this your permission pass to a night where you relax, pamper and treat yourself! With visiting family, tons of obligations, work deadlines and shopping, carving out some special time for rest and relaxation is necessary.

Schedule at least one night, even if it’s just two hours, when you can come home, take a bubble bath, read a good book or do whatever it is that helps you fully unwind. Bonus points if you unplug, too!

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Enjoy Giving!

It can be tricky to pull off, but try to avoid holiday tasks you do out of obligation instead of enjoyment.

If you bake cookies for your co-workers ever year, but no longer find it fun, think of a different, more enjoyable way to share the merry cheer.

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Sweat it out!

Take extra advantage of this time to squeeze in more exercise. If you have time off work, or are out of town, treat yourself to a fitness class you normally wouldn’t have access to.

We also recommend that families go on evening strolls or morning walks together. What better way to enjoy the neighborhood Christmas lights AND get in a little exercise?

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Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott are the founders of Tone It Up — a fitness and lifestyle brand. They are certified personal trainers, nutritional coaches and best friends. Karena and Katrina have taken the world by storm with their fun, quirky and energetic approach to fitness and have built a vibrant community based around friendship, accountability, motivation, and inspiration. To learn more, follow them on and @ToneItUp.