Is splurging safe? 5 reasons why you should have no regrets about that pie

Don't let your workout fall to the wayside during the holiday season! Target every major muscle group in just 3 minutes with this routine.


As Thanksgiving approaches, you may be anticipating the chaos that unfolds this time of year. Between work, traveling, get-togethers, shopping and getting ready for Thursday’s feast, things can get hectic!

In the video below, Katrina Scott shares a “do-anywhere” routine that will keep you in perfect shape this holiday season, and target every major muscle group in just three minutes. Repeat the sequence up to three times through if you have enough time!

You can even do this workout in the kitchen while you wait for that Thanksgiving turkey. And speaking of turkey, be sure you check out our tips for safe splurging below!

1. It's OK to splurge now and then.

First, remember that it’s okay to splurge now and then. When you’re consistent with your healthy lifestyle, you have wiggle room to enjoy yourself during special occasions.

2. Size matters.

Serve a small portion of the things that look the best on your Thanksgiving table. Going back for seconds is OK!

Taking a little bit of time between servings will make it easier to choose reasonable serving sizes based on how hungry you actually are rather than how hungry you think you are.

3. Don’t fast for the feast.

We want you to eat! Not eating all day before a big meal will actually cause your body to store the fat from the foods when you finally do eat. Not to mention that you’ll be way more hungry and craving larger portions!

Instead, stick to small, nutrient-dense meals throughout the day including greens, lean protein, fruit and a bit of healthy fats. This ensures you get the fuel you need without going overboard come dinnertime.

4. Walk it off.

Thanksgiving morning is a great time for a workout! Sign up for a Thanksgiving Turkey Trot or go for a walk in the morning before cooking and family time makes getting in that workout impossible. Ask your family to join you!

5. Enjoy yourself!

Above all, this is the time of year for enjoyment and gratitude. Avoid stressing out about what you're eating for the day. Think ahead and try to make reasonable choices, but if something looks really good … have a bite!

Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott are the founders of Tone It Up — a fitness and lifestyle brand. They are certified personal trainers, nutritional coaches and best friends. Karena and Katrina have taken the world by storm with their fun, quirky and energetic approach to fitness and have built a vibrant community based around friendship, accountability, motivation, and inspiration.