What we really need for Mother's Day: 101 simple ideas for moms to de-stress

Feeling burnt out? Overwhelmed? Keep this list handy.


For stressed out moms, self-care often falls to the bottom of the to-do list.

That's a mistake, says mom of two and pediatrician, Dr. Whitney Casares.

"It can be challenging to make time for mindfulness when you’re a busy mom, but even five minutes per day of focused de-stressing can change your whole day," the Portland-based doctor and author of "The Working Mom Blueprint" told TODAY Parents. "When we’re centered and present, we can face motherhood’s challenges with more perspective and less frustration."

A recent online, unscientific survey by TODAY.com of more than 1,200 moms found that 83% feel burned out by the past year of pandemic parenting, and 60% "very rarely" or "never" take time to focus on their own well-being.

Casares recommended centering activities for moms that can be done in five minutes or less.

"Throw in your earphones and listen to your favorite, upbeat song, use a meditation app to regulate your breathing, pause and intentionally engage your senses for 60 seconds: what do you see, smell, or hear around you?" she suggested. "Do some gentle neck stretches at your desk or kitchen table, enjoy your morning cup of coffee while you journal, or use the gentle sound of the water to create a peaceful moment for yourself in the shower before you start your day."

Casares said that parents who practice making the world around them a little quieter feel more centered, which helps avoid burnout.

"Centeredness allows moms to ride the waves of chaos that inevitably come crashing down throughout the day," she said.

Whether you are on a budget or looking to splurge, here are 101 ideas for moms to de-stress and recharge:

50 free activities for moms to recharge

Listen to relaxing music

Sit outside for ten minutes


Go for a run

Write down five good things about your day

Scroll through phone photos and remember a special trip or celebration

Read a new book

Try guided meditation

Listen to a podcast

Think about your funniest memory

Re-watch your favorite movie

Take a hot shower

Do your hair and make-up just because

Organize your closet

Test a new recipe

Play a game of cards

Take a power nap

Watch the latest viral videos

Try a short yoga sequence

Make a playlist of your favorite songs

Test out a phone-free day

Go outside and look at the stars

Listen to the sounds of nature

Watch online videos that make you laugh

Breathing exercises

Watch a new-to-you show

Look at the calendar and make plans with a friend

Create a list of places you would like to visit one day

Sing your favorite song out loud in the shower

Purge old emails

Organize the family junk drawer

Play with a pet

Make a therapy appointment

Go to the library and pick out a new book

Light a candle

Write down a top ten list of happiest memories

Walk around the block with a neighbor or friend

Teach your kids how to blow a bubblegum bubble

Think about a time you felt empowered

Lay in bed on a Saturday morning for an extra 30 minutes

Watch an inspiring TED Talk online

Enjoy water from a wine glass

Comb your recipe box to find old favorites

Put together a puzzle

Create a bag of items to be donated

Call an old friend

Write your parents a letter and put it in the mail

Take a free online course

Hold the door for someone at a store

Sign up to volunteer

15 activities for $5 or less

Buy a magazine in the check-out line

Pick up a new nail polish color for an at-home mani-pedi

Try out a new bubble bath or luxe soap

Rent a new movie

Treat yourself to a fancy coffee from a local shop

Purchase a card to send to a family member or friend

Buy a journal to jot down your dreams each morning

Pay for the coffee of someone behind you in line

Order dessert

Test out a shower steamer or bath bomb

Use sparklers instead of candles at a celebration

Try a face mask

Buy your favorite candy

Put $5 in a tip jar

Print updated photos for your home

16 ways to de-stress for $20 or less

Treat yourself to a bouquet of flowers from the grocery store

Buy the supplies for an indulgent charcuterie

Invest in a scalp massager

Purchase and diffuse essential oils

Pick out a new houseplant

Try out a new cocktail, or mocktail, recipe

Order a silk sleep mask

Have groceries delivered

Mix up a batch of cookies

Pick out an adult coloring book and pack of crayons

Indulge in a bottle of craft beer

Treat yourself to new underwear

Have an outdoor picnic

Sign up for a new-to-you streaming service

Buy yourself a new book

Upgrade your socks

20 splurge-worthy ideas for moms

Book a night away for a staycation in your own town

Upgrade your bed linens

Hire a house cleaning service

Buy a new outfit

Schedule a massage

Pick out new cookware

Subscribe to a monthly subscription box

Upgrade your camera

Buy a new pair of sneakers

Create a backyard garden

Tip a server the full bill amount

Purchase at-home exercise equipment

Enjoy a meal out with your significant other

Book a happy hour with friends

Host a backyard dinner party

Start a new skincare regimen

Get new wireless headphones

Schedule a wine tasting

Have a spa day

Plan a road trip
