April horoscope: See what the stars have in store for you this month

What can you expect this April? Check out your astrology sign and find out.

Katty Huertas / TODAY

Hello, celestial beings! Happy April! It's spring, which should come as a major relief to so many of you. Winter can be one of the most difficult seasons to go through; the lack of sunlight can hinder our ability to freely engage in the outdoor activities we love. Thankfully, with the springtime zodiac signs Aries and Taurus during the month of April, we can look forward to plenty of reasons to enjoy this season.

On April 11, the new moon will be in the sign Aries giving us even more of a reason to charge forward with our plans, projects and creative endeavors. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac; the force that takes the torch from the sign Pisces and sets fire to the air. Despite the youthful aura of this zodiac energy, there is a strong sense of composure being presented with this moon. Work toward developing order in your life and watch how the new moon’s energy helps you manifest your desires with wit and cunning. On April 19, the sun enters the stable and secure earthly energy of Taurus. Keep your new moon manifestations in front of mind throughout Taurus season and you’ll have the opportunity to develop and cement them.

The full moon on April 26 will be in the secretive and sensitive Scorpio. When the moon is full that means it is making an opposition to the sun, which in this case will be in Taurus. The sun represents our ego, so it’s important to make sure that we make sure our egos are checked. Taurus can put up a strong front, but with the moon in Scorpio, it’s important that we are aware of our feelings and emotional nuances. There is no need to run from emotions; embracing them can actually prove to be of significant value.


March 21 - April 19Katty Huertas / TODAY

It’s really easy to hold our accomplishments close. We may recognize them as trophies that signify our value and sense of worth, but please understand that you are more than the possessions you own. April will try its hand at reminding you that you can’t take earthly possessions with you. Focus on enjoying the intangible.


April 20 - May 20Katty Huertas / TODAY

Let it sink in that you cannot run from your feelings. You may sense that there are things you can't explain during the month of April. Try not to run from these sensations. They are only bringing attention to matters that you should notice. Listen to your body and make the choice to tend to yourself. Your birthday is coming up and you are worth celebrating.


May 21 - June 21Katty Huertas / TODAY

The beginning of April is filled with energy and reasons to just “go.” Just make sure that you’re taking on the world safely, of course, especially given the external circumstances. As you move about the world this month, prepare to turn your attention inward as well toward your subconscious needs and desires. You may need to release a barrier that’s keeping you from making healthy choices.


June 21 - July 22Katty Huertas / TODAY

Your career will benefit when you start sharing your creative work with the world. You may have hesitancies about exposing your innermost feelings and emotions. Just know that your creative ideas have the power to impact the feelings of others. Create for yourself and be open to sharing with those around you; connections have the power to act like a springboard.


July 23 - Aug. 22Katty Huertas / TODAY

Allow April to teach you that there are still lessons that you have yet to learn, and it’s important to recognize that there’s no rush. Take note, read and ask questions. The more you practice active listening, the easier it will be to understand “what’s next.” Don’t rush the answers, enjoy the process of questioning.


Aug. 23 - Sept. 22Katty Huertas / TODAY

It seems that you’re lacking the independence that you previously held dearly. Let those closest to you help you and show you support, Virgo. Acts of service should not begin or end with only your actions. The more you share with others, the easier it’ll be for them to help you. Simply put, closed mouths will be the last to be fed — speak up.


Sept. 23 - Oct. 22Katty Huertas / TODAY

Spend time this month thinking through your approach to relationships. Sometimes you dive so quickly into being allured by love interests or enticed by business partnerships, but not all that glitters is gold. Your choice to be still, slow and intentional can save you plenty of time and worry.


Oct. 23 - Nov. 21Katty Huertas / TODAY

It’s time to get your act together! That isn’t to say you haven’t already made meaningful strides toward the life you desire, but April can be a very blessed month if you focus on your health and adding more discipline to your routine. Toward the end of the month, you could find your love life gets a little extra attention.


Nov. 23 - Dec. 21Katty Huertas / TODAY

You’re ruled by Jupiter Sagittarius, which means that you’ll find the most success when you let yourself expand. Partake in activities that get your mind flowing and commit to the motto, “Just do it.” Don’t fall into the trap of having billion-dollar ideas with minimal movements to follow. You’re a master manifester, so put in the work.


Dec. 22 - Jan. 19Katty Huertas / TODAY

You may find yourself holding your tongue with family members in early April, but try not to let miscommunications stress you out. As April continues, you’ll begin to find the words necessary to communicate what you're trying to say. In the meantime, be patient with your relatives. Playing board games is a great way to connect with your loved ones if you're feeling stuck.


Jan. 19 – Feb. 18Katty Huertas / TODAY

April requires that you speak up for yourself, which may also mean the risk of putting your foot in your mouth. Be brave and not reckless. People will be understanding of social awkwardness during the month of April, and trust that you are equipt to respectfully speak your mind.


Feb. 19 - March 20Katty Huertas / TODAY

April is giving you the opportunity to review your values and recognize what it is that you need in your life. You may have a sensation that calls for you to practice reflection. Follow your senses and take note of where they lead you. Your home life is calling for you; consider staying home as opposed to going out for the month of April.