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This $15 mold remover will leave your bathroom cleaner than ever — no scrubbing needed

It's surprisingly easy to use and effective.

Courtesy Daniel Boan

I'm no neat-freak, but if there's one thing I'm particular about cleaning, it's my bathroom.

If you're a fellow skin care and beauty aficionado, you know that the bathroom is a sacred place where all of our cleansers, moisturizers and serums go to rest until we're ready for our twice-daily moment of self-care. We must keep this temple clean.

I typically do a good job of cleaning my bathroom at least once a week, but my new apartment led me into a false sense of security. My shower is shiny and new — why do I need to clean it as much?

This thought process was obviously idiotic, and I soon started noticing some mildew and mold, especially since my apartment can get particularly humid, making it the perfect environment for mold growth. It was time to get back to my regular cleaning schedule, and it was time I added a special mold and mildew cleaner to my arsenal. So I picked up a bottle of the Skylar Life Mold and Mildew Remover Gel after seeing some impressive before-and-after photos and hoped I would see the same results.

Skylar Life Mold and Mildew Remover Gel

The product is essentially a gel formula that is designed to gradually break down mold and mildew while erasing any stains left behind. Its main ingredient is sodium hypochlorite, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approves of as an effective household disinfectant. To use, you simply apply a layer to a dry surface and let it sit for at least five to six hours.

When my bottle arrived, I immediately applied it to a particularly nasty corner of my shower. I squeezed on a fairly thick layer, went to sleep and woke up to some surprising results.


While it doesn't look as sparkling new as the day I moved in, I am so impressed with how much gunk it dissolved after just one application. It makes me feel slightly more like a functioning adult, which is really all I'm looking for in my cleaning products.

I've since applied it to a few areas around my sink and the rest of my shower and remain impressed with how effortless and easy it is to use. I've also gone back to my regular cleaning habits and haven't had any other problems with mold or mildew regrowing.

Amazon reviewers have been sharing some impressive before and after photos as well, with over 6,600 verified customers leaving a five-star review.

"This product was absolutely amazing. We have a tile ceiling inside our shower stall, and it’s difficult and awkward to clean," one verified reviewer wrote. "This gel worked like a charm!"

"My shower now looks like new. These pictures are after one application, left on for about eight hours," another reviewer wrote.

So if you find yourself needing a little backup when it comes to a cleaning up a nasty bathroom, the Skylar Life Mold and Mildew Remover Gel just might do the trick. You deserve an immaculate self-care temple.