A round pizza cut into squares sparks fiery Midwest vs. East Coast debate

Want to cause a frenzy on social media? Just share a photo of pizza cut in an unusual way.

Is it wrong to cut a round pizza into squares? Depending on where you live in the country, pizza cutting is a big deal.Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

As if there wasn't already enough heat between the pizza lovers of Chicago and New York, someone just ignited a new piping hot debate on Twitter.

This time, the person who posted a controversial photo didn't even mention Chicago's deep-dish pies or New York's thin-crust pizzas. Instead, they asked folks from the Windy City which piece of pizza they would eat first from the pie — which was a round pizza cut into squares.

East Coasters, prepare for battle.

The photo featured a large, thin-crust pizza sliced into a grid with about 40 small squares of pizza — many of which had no crust at all. A few areas of the pizza were labeled with numbers one through four, with each piece having varying levels of cheese and/or crust.

"all my chicagoans... which piece are you picking up first," the tweeter posted.

But many people were too filled with shock and disappointment to even participate in the ranking.

One self-proclaimed Jersey girl and longtime Chicago resident said she still can't figure out why her new neighbors slice up their pies into squares.

Another Chi-town local chimed in because, unlike New Yorkers, they're "civilized."

They must have turned on the oven, because that was a solid burn.

In defense of the traditional triangular slice, some tweeters referenced the St. Louis bagel-slicing fiasco of March 2019 when Twitter basically imploded over a photo showing how St. Louis residents supposedly cut their bagels into thin, sandwich bread-like slices.

Whether or not people from St. Louis know how to slice pizza, they do know how to make a pretty mean Gooey Butter cake, at least that's what natives Karlie Kloss and Andy Cohen say.

Other folks remained unscathed by the square-slice approach but couldn't agree on the ranking of how to eat the food itself.

Alas, this may just be yet another Twitter debate that lingers on the plate ... just like the No. 1 crust-laden piece of pizza this reporter most definitely will not be eating.