Soggy tacos? Chrissy Teigen shared a genius delivery hack for Taco Bell

We can always count on Teigen for the best food tips.

Taco queen Chrissy Teigen has said her piece.

How do you want your tacos delivered, America?

Foodies on the internet recently found themselves pondering this dire question — and it's all thanks to our favorite food aficionado, Chrissy Teigen.

The 33-year-old took to Twitter last week to present an idea to Taco Bell, one that could help all of us at home avoid "soggy tacos" and thereby change the delivery game forever.

"@tacobell you guys should deliver your taco meat separate from the shell so I can build it myself, thus preventing soggy tacos," Teigen tweeted. "I like to spread out the duration in which I eat them, sometimes I can take hours. thank u."

Genius! But apparently not genius enough for Taco Bell to get on board.

"Why not get Taco Bell delivered every hour? No assembly required," the fast-food chain tweeted back.

One Twitter fan named Lindsey jumped into the conversation, responding, "Because then you will just have a soggy taco every hour."

Teigen had to agree, "Taco Bell I love you, but lindsey is right. I need my DLT’s deconstructed for maximum pleasure."

Cosign — a sodden Doritos Locos Taco is a no-good Doritos Locos Taco.

But alas, not every incredible idea can come to fruition overnight. Hey, Taco Bell: Next time, Teigen wants in on your pitch meeting.