Jenna Bush Hager reveals what can go wrong when your family is on multiple text chains

Jenna Bush Hager revealed her family has a few text chains and, recently, she had an "oops" moment while doing some Christmas gift planning.


Whether your extended family is in the same city or scattered across the country, a shared text message chain can be a great way to keep everyone in touch.

But there can be the occasional "oops" moments, too.

While discussing the rumors of a British royal text chain on TODAY Monday, Jenna Bush Hager revealed that her loved ones are on several different family text chains.

"We are on one with my cousins called The Best Cousins Ever," she explained, and added there's a separate one with her parents, plus Jenna and her twin sister Barbara — but not Jenna's husband Henry.

Then there's the one for everybody, and that's where things recently went awry.

"I wrote the one that everybody's on, and I said, 'Henry wants this for Christmas,'" she continued. "And Henry goes, 'Thanks, Jenna.' I was like, 'Oops!'"

Well, it seems that this is a common issue around the technologically-savvy at holiday time; Gwen Stefani revealed her own mass email "oops" when trying to secure a leaf blower for her beau Blake Shelton last week.

But Jenna's dad, former President George Bush, laid down the law, possibly tongue-in-cheek, after Jenna's mini-blunder. He wrote back, "Too expensive."

Guess we'll have to wait until Christmas morning to see what Santa brings Henry.