Steve Harvey reveals why he changed his signature look

The comedian, television host and author is opening up about why he said bye-bye to his black mustache.

Steve Harvey recently switched up his facial hair, after years of wearing a dark black mustache.Getty Images

If you haven't seen Steve Harvey in a while, get ready to do a double take.

Just months ago, the star parted ways with a partner that's been with him throughout his career — his black mustache!

Harvey, who now sports a gray 'stache and a full beard, visited "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" Monday and explained why he said so long to his signature look over the summer.

"I was on vacation, and I actually left my Just For Men at home — because I had been dying my mustache," he told the host. "So the rest of it started growing in. Next thing I knew, I went, 'Damn! This either going to be sexy or I'm ugly as hell — one of the two.'"

Steve Harvey on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show"Michael Rozman/Warner Bros.

His wife of 11 years, Marjorie, put his mind at ease. She liked the new look so much she told him to keep it.

And Harvey himself? He's decided he looks "like money!"

Some of his fans on social media, however, aren't so sure.

He put it to a vote on Instagram and soon learned that his facial hair is a particularly polarizing topic.

"Yeah, I mean, there's some haters always," he told DeGeneres. "They just don't like nothing. One dude said, 'You look old.' I said, 'Wait a minute. I've been living more than half a century ... plus a decade, plus two more damn years. Dog, I am old!'"

In other words, he'll be 62 in January — and the father of seven (including three step-children) and grandfather of five has embraced his age, just like he's learned to love that silver beard.

"Old is the goal," he declared.