'Wheel of Fortune' contestant makes unfortunate mistake by getting 'cold shower' wrong

It's a "C," Melanie, a "C!"


Sometimes a single letter can be the difference between bringing home big bucks or joining the pantheon of famous "Wheel of Fortune" fails.

A contestant named Melanie may have needed a cold shower after her flub on Thursday night's show when her NSFW solution to the puzzle left everyone, well, puzzled.

She only needed one letter to solve the puzzle of "Bridal & Cold Shower" in the "Same Name" category. Unfortunately, Melanie went with a "g" instead of a "c" for "cold," drawing groans from the audience after she tried to solve the puzzle by saying "bridal & gold shower."

The viewers at home also couldn't help but notice.

Veteran host Pat Sajak kept it moving with a quick, "Sorry," and then turned to fellow contestant Jenn, who solved it correctly.

"It happens!" Sajak told Melanie while heading to commercial at the end of the round.

Melanie can take solace that she has company in the world of "Wheel of Fortune" fails. In 2014, an Indiana University student mispronounced the name "Achilles" to miss out on some cash.

Not to be outdone, a contestant named Jonny lost out on $7,100 back in April when he mispronounced a puzzle that had all the letters revealed.