See James Corden re-enact iconic 'Fame' scene with Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron

Baby, you better remember their names!


James Corden is back at "The Late, Late Show" and on Thursday night, he wanted to make sure that baby, we remembered his name!

The host, who had taken a few days off after his baby was born, returned with a roar by bringing his "Crosswalk: The Musical" recurring sketch to a place it had never been before — Broadway — for a totally wigged-out mash-up of classic Gotham-centered musical tunes from "On the Town," "Guys and Dolls" and "Fame"!

Not only that, he managed to enlist "The Greatest Showman" co-stars Hugh Jackman (who Corden called "Huge Jackman"), Zac Efron and Zendaya (and a host of other talented dancers) in the endeavor, which included our favorite NYC musical movie scene ever: the moment from 1980's "Fame" where everybody gets up and dances on cars.

Zac Efron went to higher ground with his performance (and '80s wig). CBS

Corden (playing his puffed-up, egocentric version) was completely in charge of corralling all of the talent; when "Huge" provided a suggested list of songs they might perform he immediately tore it up.

"You've got to realize that while he's playing 'The Greatest Showman,' I have to live up to the mantle of actually being the greatest showman," said Corden.

Zendaya, Hugh Jackman, James Corden, and Zac Efron own the streets, at least briefly. CBS

Zendaya compared Corden's teaching technique to "Dance Moms," and after he used an air horn to calm the room down, we had to agree.

The sequence actually filmed on Dec. 9 and the stars have been posting teases of the delightful event ever since; Efron showing off his curly blond wig and Zendaya displaying leg warmers and teased hair.

As you might recall, the 1980 film "Fame" focused on students in NYC's High School for the Performing Arts, and was both a mix of musical and drama. And those kids danced everywhere: on the stage, in the cafeteria, and of course most memorably, on the streets.

Did we remember their names? Members of the cast of 1980's "Fame" took to the streets, and hoods of cars, with their moves.Everett

Naturally, the whole thing had to include a tune from "The Greatest Showman," which featured the new dad as a fainting bearded lady and Efron riding a tricycle.

We thought they were the "Greatest"!CBS

All in a day's work on the NYC streets, though!

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