5 tips for making a quick and healthy school day breakfast

Survive the morning rush and make sure your kids are properly fueled for the day ahead with these simple breakfast tips.


Heading back to school often means hectic mornings of getting the kids dressed, fed, and out the door with their belongings — all before the first bell rings.

Luckily, there are ways to survive the morning rush and make sure your kids are properly fueled for the day ahead. Check out my three tips — and kid-friendly recipes! — to get your children started off on the right foot. Make sure your kids are fully prepared for science experiments, social studies exams, soccer practices, and more. Bring it on!

1. Think ahead.

Eliminate a.m. stress by planning and prepping breakfast the night before. Try whipping up this tasty Overnight Apple Pie Oats recipe before bed — just toss everything into a jar in the evening and wake up to a delicious morning meal. Or, refrigerate oats mixed with milk at night so you can spend less than two minutes in the morning making this delicious Peanut Butter Cup Morning Milkshake.

2. Make it an A+ breakfast.

Minimize the amount of added sugars and ramp up the protein and fiber, which provide fuel and sustenance, in your kid's morning meal. This combination will help your kiddo stay full and focused during class. These two nutrient-packed breakfast recipes really make the grade: Peanut Butter and Berry French Toast and Banana Pancakes. Pro tip: Make the pancake batter the night before and you’ll have flapjacks in a flash!

3. Presentation is a plus.

Foods that scream “fun” are always appealing to the younger set. Try these Egg-Cellent Creatures, which are protein-packed and a blast to make. Get the kids involved with assembly by letting them choose their own toppings. Use any chopped veggies, fruit or whole grain cereal to make the eyes, nose, mouth, and even antennas — the sky’s the limit, so get creative in the kitchen!

Nathan Congleton / TODAY

For more delicious recipes, check out Joy's cookbook From ​Junk Food to Joy Food and follow her via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.