James Corden takes on the ultimate role: Belle from 'Beauty and the Beast'

James Corden takes on the role of Belle from 'Beauty and the Beast,' which he re-creates in the middle of a crosswalk in LA.


James Corden is known for belting out Broadway show tunes, so when he announced to his seemingly shocked staff that they would be performing "Beauty and the Beast" we were just as excited as they were.

“Daniel Day-Lewis played Abraham Lincoln, Meryl Streep played Margaret Thatcher, James Corden played Belle,” said Corden with all the drama he could muster. “I think, in many ways, those three will always be regarded as similar — if not the same.”

RELATED: Watch as 'Beauty and the Beast' cast takes you behind the scenes in new video

And with that strong message, they were off … to the crosswalk, that is.

Corden opened the play in the middle of a busy traffic stop outside of the CBS offices.

Corden makes a mad dash out of the street while dressed in his Belle costume. Terence Patrick/CBS

“There was someone looking through their sunroof, guys!” exclaimed Corden. “That is a standing ovation.”

Don’t be fooled — even though this performance took place at a traffic stop, that doesn’t make it any less grand. The Corden crew went all out, from costumes to choreography, and left us wishing that we had been lucky enough to be waiting at that red light.

Corden and his crew pause for a quick photo in the middle of their dramatic performance.CBS/Terence Patrick

The dramatic closing scene of the performance starts with Corden coming out in a beautiful dress that could only suit a character as wonderful as Belle.

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The crew even takes a majestic bow before their audience of screeching car horns.

One thing is for sure: Regardless of whether or not the oncoming traffic was happy about the performance, we're betting they'll never forget it!