The 1 ingredient you need for the perfect fried egg

An egg cooked to runny perfection is the ultimate topping for burgers, pizza, greens and pasta. Here's how to make the perfect fried egg.


Eggs are the perfect food: So cheap, simple, nutritious and naturally delicious. A one-ingredient wonder. And that yolk. That yolk! When cooked to runny perfection, it's the ultimate sauce — on burgers, hash, pizza, greens, pasta, you name it.

But as simple as cooking an egg is, it is a delicate art. It can overcook or break super easily. The secret, in our opinions, involves olive oil and a spoon.

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Here's how:

Step 1: Pour 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil in a large pan.


Step 2: Drop an egg into the pool of oil.


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Step 3: Let the egg start frying.


Step 4: Season with salt and pepper.


Step 5: Once the white is set, spoon the hot oil over the egg for 30 seconds.


RELATED: How to make the perfect deviled eggs in 9 easy steps

Step 6: Serve on toast with avocado, maybe a little hot sauce — however you like it!


This way, you get the bottom all crispy, and cook the top without hardening the yolk or risking the flip. Absolute perfeggtion.