The ending of 'Firefly Lane' Season 2, Part 1, explained

We laughed, we cried. We mostly cried.


Warning: This post has spoilers for Season Two of "Firefly Lane."

Season Two of "Firefly Lane" will be released in two batches of episodes. Part One, out Dec. 2, is an emotional journey from the get-go, but the finale is the biggest tearjerker of all.

After a season heavily focused on Tully (Katherine Heigl) and Kate's (Sarah Chalke) big feud, all the drama comes to a heartbreaking head in the last few minutes of Episode Nine.

Still grabbing tissues after watching it? Need some help processing everything that happened? We're breaking down everything you need to know before Season Two Part Two premieres at some point in 2023.

Roan Curtis as Young Kate, Ali Skovbye as Young Tully.Diyah Pera / Netflix

Teenage Kate and Tully

Teenage Tully arrives home to her mom Cloud (Beau Garrett) and a bunch of her friends having a party. They all seem to have taken far too many drugs and don't want to leave, even when Tully gets a call from Cloud's parole officer saying he's on his way to check in on her.

With Kate's assistance, Tully kicks out all but one of Cloud's friends. The problem is, he appears to be dead — or at least, they think he is, so they drag him to a closet under the stairs and hide him in there.

Time is closing in and they don't think Cloud will be ready for her parole officer's visit but she amazes them and pulls it off, then decides to go get high again.

Kate and Tully vow to take care of each other forever and have a sweet moment together. Then, they discover that Cloud's friend is indeed alive.

Tully hones her journalism career. Pictured: Katherine Heigl.Diyah Pera / Netflix

Early career Kate and Tully

As Kate is preparing to go on vacation with her new boyfriend, Johnny (Ben Lawson) stops by unexpectedly. He brings her some eyeglass wipes so she can see clearly on her getaway.

Touched by the gesture, Kate asks Tully if this is some sort of a sign that she shouldn't go away to Europe. She wonders if Johnny is still in love with her. Tully says she believes he is, but she thinks their relationship is still dead end because he can't give her what she needs (marriage and a family) — at least not right now.

Tully says if Johnny really wanted Kate he would've made a grand gesture. And with that, the two friends head off to the airport together.

After Tully and Kate leave, Johnny shows up at their doorstep and admits (to himself) that he should've done something bold because he wants Kate back.

A car accident caused the two friends to go their separate ways.Netflix

Thanksgiving after the accident: 2004

Kate and Tully aren't on speaking terms on this Thanksgiving, and they try their best to make the most of the holiday without each other. Kate spends the day with her family and stiffens up at the mention of Tully's name.

After the big meal, Johnny approaches Kate in the kitchen and suggests that they should remarry now that they're reunited. She seems hesitant, saying she doesn't want to ruin a good thing. Johnny asks if she's averse to the idea because she's feuding with Tully, which she denies.

Her day continues to be emotional: Kate goes to offer her dad Bud (Paul McGillion) some coffee and finds him dead on the couch.

Meanwhile, Tully attempts to tap into her domestic side and makes a turkey for her and her mother Cloud but fails miserably. Danny (Ignacio Serricchio) stops by to escape his girlfriend's family and the trio decide to eat pizza together.

Kate and Tully's friendship goes through many ups and downs in Season 2.Diyah Pera / Netflix

Bud's Funeral: 2004

As we know from the finale in Season One, Kate and Tully fight at Bud's funeral. Afterward, Tully takes off and drives to the home she lived in with Cloud in her teens. She takes a look around and reminisces.

Meanwhile, Kate and Johnny unpack what happened during a conversation in their kitchen. He says he's sorry that Tully showed up unexpectedly. She says Tully was trying to make it all about her. Johnny disagrees, acknowledging that Bud was like a father to Tully.

Kate says she's sick of thinking about Tully and misses her. But she thinks she needs a new friend, one "without 30 years of baggage."

We're hoping for a reunion of these two pals in Season 2 Part 2.Netflix


Kate decides to take a class at a local college and meets a new friend. They grow close, but don't have the same bond that she and Tully did. Luckily, life at home with Johnny is blissful.

Tully makes progress renovating her old home and hones her domestic side, something she never learned as a teen because her mother was so absent. That Thanksgiving, she invites Cloud and Danny (and his girlfriend) over to show off the place and her cooking skills. She gives Cloud the keys to the house as a gift.

In private, Danny asks Tully if she's dating anyone. She says she's dating herself. Danny tells her about a professor he knows who's shooting a global warming documentary and needs a celebrity ambassador, just in case she's interested.

For Kate, it's a bittersweet Thanksgiving because it's the first one since she lost her father. During dinner, Kate's mother casually mentions that Tully has been fixing up her old house down the street. Kate quickly changes the conversation.

Back at school, Kate talks with her new friend in the bathroom and mentions that one of her nipples has been really itchy and red. She starts to lift up her shirt and her friend is clearly uncomfortable, so Kate stops.

Outside one day, Kate and her friend walk by Tully, Danny and the professor he mentioned to her. Kate and Tully look wistfully at each other but don't acknowledge each other.

After talking with the professor, Tully instantly agrees to the project, which will send her to a remote facility in Antarctica for several months. Danny suggests that seeing Kate has to have been hard for Tully. The two share a hug in the elevator but it doesn't go any further because Danny's girlfriend is outside the next floor.

The ending of Season 2 is a real tearjerker.Diyah Pera / Netflix

Christmas 2005

Johnny proposes to Kate a year later, this time with a ring, as he and Kate are decorating their Christmas tree. Kate finally agrees to marry him again. Tully is the first person she wants to call, but she calls her school friend instead and doesn't get the jubilant reaction she expected.

Danny stops by Tully's penthouse with heated gloves for her trip to Antarctica and says he will miss her. Tully tells Danny she made him her emergency contact for the trip, which is pretty meaningful because she used to be Kate's emergency contact.

Kate also hears about a diagnosis

Kate finds a bad rash on her breast and goes to the doctor to get it checked out. They diagnose her with a rare, aggressive form of cancer (stage 3) and say she needs to start treatment immediately.

Kate thinks of Tully instantly and misses her. Realizing that she needs her, she rushes to her penthouse to see her but she's too late and Tully is on the elevator down to the lobby, preparing to leave for her Antarctica adventure. Devastated, Kate cries alone in Tully's hallway.

The next seven episodes of "Firefly Lane" will premiere in 2023.