Christine Brown tells Robyn and Meri she needs 'space' in 'Sister Wives'

Christine said she and Janelle are "super close," but admitted she doesn't have the same bond with Kody's other wives: "For right now I kind of need it that way,


After telling her sister wives that she's ready to leave for Utah in the last episode of "Sister Wives," Christine Brown sets some boundaries with them in Sunday's upcoming episode.

During a family meeting, Robyn asks Christine how much she plans to keep in touch with her plural family.

"Are you in a place where you just wanna go do your thing and those of the kids that have a relationship with you, you’ll spend time with them or whatever?" she asks in an exclusive clip given to TODAY. "And then the rest of us that maybe you don’t have a great relationship with, do we just need to give you your space?"

Christine responds, "I think for right now, I need space."

In a private confessional, Robyn laments the shift in the family dynamic that lies ahead.

"I have definitely been mourning the loss of the family culture and there's this part of me that has wondered if Kody's not in the picture for her, will it be easier for her to have a relationship with me and my kids?" she wonders, getting teary.

Christine, who has spoken openly about her belief that Kody favors Robyn, then acknowledges that she does intend to be around for the family, just not as much as she used to be.

"I do see us getting together for family reunions and I do see us having fun together," she says.

When it comes to her relationships with the other wives, however, Christine admits that the dynamic will shift.

"Janelle and I are super close but I'm not that close with the rest of you and for right now, I kind of need it that way," she says.

In a confessional, Robyn gets teary and says, "It's kind of that last little bit of hope sort of dying."

Meanwhile, Meri seems seems more resigned than sad.

"My immediate thought was, ‘Well, I may as well stand up and leave 'cause there’s no point of me being here in this conversation,’" she says in a confessional.

Meri, who is Kody's first wife, then elaborates on her reaction.

"She doesn’t want to work on anything. I have seen her non-acceptance of Robyn and I have seen her disdain for me through the years. As much as it hurts me, I’m glad to know where she actually stands," she says.

In last week's episode, Meri said she felt "hurt" that Christine "doesn't see value" in their family. The 51-year-old also admitted that she's not sure what their family will look like once Christine leaves.

“We’re not functioning as a family anymore and we haven’t for a really, really long time. It’s not just Kody and Christine’s relationship that has been an issue. There’s a lot of fractures and if people aren’t gonna work on it then this is the way of our family,” she said.