14 plyometric exercises that burn fat and calories

Plyometric training boosts metabolism and promotes weight loss. Give it a try by adding a few of these exercises to your workout.


Plyometrics is an anaerobic exercise that involves maximum effort through quick and intense bursts of energy like jumping or sprinting.

Plyometric exercises require you to push yourself to your maximum effort. The intense exertion during these movements make them a great way to speed up the metabolism and encourage fat loss, while also helping improve athleticism, speed, strength and power!  

Here are 14 great plyometric exercises to try. Start slow by adding one or two of them into your weekly workout routine for a fun and efficient way to rev your metabolism.

Lateral hop

Start standing with feet together. Bend your knees slightly and hop to your left, keeping your legs glued together, as if you're jumping over an imaginary line. Land in a half squat position. Then jump back to the right. Continue alternating side to side, for 10 hops to each side.

Messier squat 

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Sit down and back into a wide-stance squat position. While maintaining the squat position, shift your weight to the left leg while straightening the right, so that your left glute is directly over your left foot. Shift your weight back to center. Then shift your weight to the right side, straightening your left leg, so that your right glute is over your right foot. Continue alternating for 10 repetitions to each side.

Plank hop

Start in plank position with your shoulders tracking directly over your wrists. Engage the core to maintain a straight line from head to feet. Then, keeping your feet glued together, hop both feet to the left and then to right. Do your best to keep your shoulders still and the abs engaged to prevent the hips from rocking side to side or piking up. Repeat for 10 hops to each side.

Alternating leg bounds

Start standing tall with your feet together. Jump forward on to your right foot, keeping the left foot hovering above the ground. Then jump forward on to your left foot, keeping the right foot hovering above the ground. (Imagine you are jumping from one rock to another). Repeat side to side for as far as your space allows. When you run out room, jog back to your starting position and continue until you complete 10 jumps on each foot.

Broad jump

Begin in a standing position, feet hip-width apart. Drop down into a squat, driving your hips back. Engage your core, pressing down through your feet as you jump up and forward. Aim to jump as far as you can and land softly. Repeat for 10 repetitions.

Reverse lunge with knee drive

In a standing position with feet as wide as your hips, step back into a complete reverse lunge. Engage your core and maintain your balance by driving your front foot down into the floor. As you return your back leg to the starting position, drive your back knee up in front of you and hop up off of your front foot. Repeat for 5 repetitions, then repeat for 5 repetitions on the opposite leg.

Side to side shuffle

To start, lower down into a squat position. From here, move to your right using quick shuffle steps for six steps. Repeat to the left side. The goal is to stay low and move quickly to the right then left. Repeat for 10 repetitions on each side.

Plyo pushup

The difference between a normal pushup and a plyo pushup is the explosive maneuver or “jumping” component added into the exercise. Set up in a pushup position, either on the ground or using a bench in the gym or a chair in your house. Lower down into a pushup. At the bottom of the pushup, immediately explode up, hands coming off the floor or bench. Ensure you land softly back down into the pushup position. Repeat for 10 repetitions.

For a modification, you can perform this in a modified pushup position on your knees.

Jump lunges

Begin this exercise in a lunge position. As you prepare to jump, sink down deeper into the lunge. Engage your core muscles, leaning slightly forward. Explode upwards. Quickly exchange feet to switch lunge positions when you land, switching arms as you do so. Do your best to land softly. Do not lock your knees; keep them softly bent. Repeat for 10 repetitions total, or 5 repetitions each leg.

Jumping jacks

To begin, stand with your feet together and arms at your sides. Add a slight bend to your knees as you prepare to jump. As you jump, extend your legs out to about shoulder-width apart or larger. At the same time, extend your arms out and over your head. Return back to the starting position. Repeat for 10 repetitions.

Jump squats

Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Drop down into a squat, then press your feet down into the floor and explosively jump straight up. Land immediately into a squat to decrease the impact on the knees and hips. Repeat for 10 repetitions.


Stand with feet shoulder-distance apart. Draw one leg behind you into a curtsy lunge. Maintain a 90-degree angle with the front knee. Next, use your front arm to create momentum as you swing your arms forward to leap the back leg to the side. This skating motion will switch sides, so the previously back leg is now in the front, and vice versa. Replicate the motion to switch sides. Repeat for 10 repetitions.


Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Come down into a squat and lower both hands to the floor in front of your feet. Jump your feet back into a plank position. Jump your legs forward again to your hands. Jump up to the ceiling and then back down into a standing position. Repeat for 10 repetitions.

Mountain climbers

Start in a full plank position. Engage your abs as you drive your right knee to your chest. The motion should feel like a crunch, engaging the abs. Return the right leg into plank position. Repeat the motion with the left knee. Alternate with each leg, increasing the speed. Repeat for 10-20 repetitions. 

Planks jacks

Start in a full plank position. Engage your abs to protect your lower back. Jump both feet out, similar to doing a jumping jack, remaining in a plank position. Jump the feet back in. Increase speed as you repeat the motion. Repeat for 10-20 repetitions.