Every Team USA snowboarding jacket has this good-luck charm inside

It's a fun, hidden feature of Team USA's uniform.


The U.S. snowboarding team may have a little extra luck on their side at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics!

Halfpipe snowboarder Maddie Mastro, 21, revealed that all the snowboarders on Team USA have a good-luck charm tucked inside their jackets: a red, white and blue rabbit’s foot. 

Mastro showed off the keychain-style charm on TikTok.

When some fans worried in the comments that it was the foot of an actual rabbit, Mastro clarified that the good-luck talisman is made from synthetic materials.

“I’m actually a vegan haha,” she commented on her TikTok video. “And it’s fake.”

The foot, made from 100% polyester, is a playful detail included by Volcom, the skate, surf and swimwear brand that designed Team USA’s official snowboarding uniforms this year.

As Patrick Field, who designed the uniforms for Volcom, explained on Instagram, “We put a (faux) lucky rabbits foot in the front pocket of every style so if things get dicey give it a rub.”

The snowboarding team’s uniforms had an edgy design overall this year, including reversible jackets with blazer-inspired lapels. 

Athletes also have the option of wearing neckties in the same chaotic, black-and-white collage pattern featured on parts of the jackets, according to a Twitter video from Volcom showing off the official team uniforms.

Legendary snowboarder Shaun White, who recently revealed that the 2022 Winter Games will be his last, shared an Instagram photo of himself rocking Team USA’s patterned jacket.

He also recently explained the purpose of another essential piece of every snowboarder’s uniform: the backpack.

“Snowboarders wear backpacks because they have to have a lot of equipment with them. It’s like survival gear,” White said during a virtual visit to TODAY last month. “You usually have a shovel, and you have a probe and the probe is if somebody gets caught in an avalanche, you then take this probe and stick it down through the snow to see if you feel a human being under the snow.”