How to properly clean your garbage disposal, according to pros

Plus, what you should never drop down there.


When was the last time you cleaned your garbage disposal? It’s likely been too long since its last wipe-down, but now’s as good a time as ever to start fresh with your garbage disposal cleaning routine.

“The garbage disposal is like any other kitchen appliance, it needs to be regularly cleaned to work safely and efficiently,” said Audrey Monell, president of Forrest Anderson Plumbing and Air Conditioning in Glendale, AZ. She added that it’s an “extremely easy” task, and you can do it with kitchen basics that are probably already in your home.

Not only will cleaning your garbage disposal help it function properly now, but doing so can extend its service life, according to Brian Custer, a virtual plumbing expert at the home care and maintenance app Frontdoor. Alternatively, ignoring this task can allow food scraps to lodge in the disposal, leading to odors and malfunctions.

Thankfully, you’re just a few steps away from a spick and span sink. Keep reading for our guide on everything from how frequently to clean your garbage disposal to treating persistent odors.

How often should you clean your garbage disposal? 

Experts agree: You should be cleaning your garbage disposal once a week or at least once a month, depending on how frequently it’s used. If you use your garbage disposal daily, count yourself in the once-a-week camp, per Monell.

If this feels overwhelming, “set a reminder with a smart home device, or put one on the calendar,” Custer suggested. Once that's done, you're ready to choose one of two simple and effective ways to clean your garbage disposal. 

How to clean your garbage disposal

Method #1: The baking soda and vinegar method

What you’ll need:

  • Rubber gloves
  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • ½ cup baking soda
  • Scrub brush or abrasive sponge
  • Boiling water
  • Dish soap

Harsh chemicals can damage your garbage disposal, making this natural cleaning solution a smart choice. That said, vinegar can wear down the system if used too often, so “reserve this method for when you want to do a deeper clean,” per Monell. 

  1. Ronnie Kendrick, founder of Company Clean, a home cleaning service in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, said to start by turning off your garbage disposal's power to avoid any accidents. You may even want to try starting the disposal to confirm that the system is really shut down.
  2. Once you're in the clear, take a soapy sponge or brush and scrub under the rubber disposal baffle and around the drain, rinsing it well to remove debris buildup, said Monell.
  3. Now it’s time to clean the actual garbage disposal. Pour your half cup of baking soda into the disposal, followed by the cup of white vinegar. “This natural combination fizzes away grime and neutralizes odors,” explained Kendrick. Let it sit for 10–15 minutes.
  4. While the baking soda and vinegar combination sits, boil a pot of water, then carefully pour it down the disposal after the 10-15 minutes are up. Doing so “helps to flush out any loosened debris and residue,” Kendrick said.
  5. Complete the process by adding a bit of dish soap directly into the disposal, per Kendrick. Run cold water, turn on the disposal for a minute, and you're done.

Method #2: The soap and warm water method

What you’ll need:

  • Rubber gloves
  • Warm water
  • Dish soap
  • A scrub brush
  • Optional: Citrus peels

Zeynep Mehmetoglu, co-owner of Maid Bright, a residential cleaning service in the D.C. metro area, recommended using a Scrub-Daddy for this chore because it’s “great for heavy build-up.” Otherwise, a long-handled brush, tooth brush, or sponge work. Once you have your tool in-hand, try her method for how to clean your garbage disposal using soap and water.

  1. As with the first method, start by unplugging your garbage disposal from electricity and confirming that it’s powered off. 
  2. Wearing your rubber gloves and using warm water and dish soap, scrub the garbage disposal splash guard. This will wash away grime and buildup accumulated from everyday use. 
  3. Using your warm water and dish soap combo and a sponge, scrub the inside of the garbage disposal. Then, run hot water to rinse the splash guard and garbage disposal.
  4. Power the disposal back on. If you’d like, cut some citrus peels and grind them up in the disposal for a pleasant scent.

How to treat odors in your garbage disposal

Instead of citrus peels, apple cider vinegar can also help neutralize odors. If you've tried both to no avail, or a strong odor persists, it might be time to call a professional. “The problem could be further down the pipes and you’ll want to call a plumber,” said Kendrick. 

Because you could also be dealing with a leak, “it's best to address the issue as soon as you suspect a problem,” added Monell.

Can you clean a garbage disposal with ice cubes?

Some cleaning and plumbing professionals, as well as internet how-to guides on the topic, recommend using ice cubes and rock salt to clean your garbage disposal. 

Kendrick cautioned against this method, as it can actually break your appliance. “The garbage disposals installed when you buy a home are usually cheap and plastic,” he said. “Ice cubes can break through the plastic, causing leaks under your cabinet.”

Don’t let any mesmerizing TikTok videos fool you. “Be sure you have a quality disposal before trying the latest hack,” warned Kendrick. 

How to take care of your garbage disposal

Our experts said the following foods don't belong in the garbage disposal and should be discarded separately:

  • Bones
  • Coffee grinds
  • Eggshells
  • Grease or meat drippings
  • Oils
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Vegetable peelings

Here's more about what not to put down the garbage disposal. In general, large food scraps and oily drippings can lead to clogs and odors, even damaging the blades.

For the waste you do toss down the garbage disposal, always run water before and after turning on the appliance to minimize future buildup.