Celebrating Dad's first Father's Day: 5 tips to make it fun

There comes a moment when a new dad suddenly realizes that Father's Day is about more than a picking out a new tie for his own Pop.

Celebrating Dad's first Father's Day: 5 tips to make it funEmma Innocenti / Digital Vision

There comes a moment when a new dad suddenly realizes that Father's Day is about more than a picking out a new tie for his own Pop. It's about him. Of course, it's up to Mom to make it special. Try these fun ideas:

Make it Dad's day—and bring your baby along. When you're new parents, it's easy to forget all the things Dad loved to do pre-baby. So put your peanut in the carrier and head off to an auto show, get tickets to a game or go for a hike. You may even surprised at how family-friendly many of these activities are.

Make him breakfast in bed: There are few things a new dad wants more than some extra hours to sleep in. And since you'll probably be awake early feeding the baby, consider making scrambled eggs or toaster waffles while you're at it.Even easier: Pick up ham-and-cheese croissants or pastries from a local bakery and, voilà, instant feast. (Just don't forget the coffee!)

Give him something else in bed: Okay, so there is one thing your guy may want more than some extra sleep. Don't worry if your sex drive has taken an nose dive with a new baby (it's normal and common!), but use Dad's Day as an excuse to try one of these 18 ways to spice things up in the bedroom.

Have your baby make his own card: Use a washable, child-safe, non-toxic inkpad to decorate the card with your babe's tiny hand and feet prints. It will be a keepsake that Dad will proudly display for years to come. Even easier: Take a photo of your baby next to (or holding) a piece of paper that says, "I love you, Daddy!"

Start a tradition: No doubt you're both sleep-deprived and busy adjusting to life with a new baby. Starting a simple tradition that you repeat each year—whether it's a picnic at your favorite park or taking an annual photo of Dad and your baby in the same place—can be a sweet way to celebrate your guy's new fatherhood.

A version of this story originally appeared on iVillage.