Birth of baby girl breaks Idaho family's 102-plus year record of boys

Baby Aurelia is the first girl born into the family since 1914.


The streak is over, and one Idaho family is tickled pink about it.

The Underdahl family welcomed its first girl in more than 100 years, thanks to the April 12 arrival of Aurelia Marie Ann.

"She's pretty special, she's kind of a miracle," said the girl’s mother, Ashton Underdahl, who initially assumed she was having another boy. She learned she was actually carrying a girl — a little sister for her 22-month-old son Archer — about halfway through her pregnancy.

The Underdahl family in Post Falls, Idaho, welcomed the first baby girl born to the family in 101 years.KHQ

Underdahl said her husband, Scott, was in shock for the first several days.

“He was like, ‘Really? Really? Are you sure?'" she told NBC-affiliate KHQ. “He kept thinking, even though we were in the delivery room, he’s like, ‘What if they made a mistake and it’s been a boy all along?’”

Ashton Underdahl with her son, Archer, and Aurelia, the first girl born to the family in 101 years.KHQ

Underdahl said she knew her husband’s side of the family had a history of boys, but she didn’t realize how far back it went until her father-in-law started researched the family line. That’s when everyone learned that a girl had not been born into the family since 1914, when Underdahl's husband’s great-great aunt, Bernice, was born.

The last female born to the Underdahl face was Bernice, shown in the polka dot dress, born in 1914.KHQ

Underdahl said she's been deluged with media calls since news about her little record-breaker broke, but she can understand the interest.

"It will be fun," she said about her little girl. "She'll add in some pink and some sweet!"