5 DIY games and crafts for rainy days when you're locked inside

April showers bring a whole lot of time locked inside with the kids. Here are some rainy day solutions.


April showers bring a whole lot of time locked inside with the kids. Still, there's a silver lining to this cloud: Meredith Sinclair joined TODAY to share activities that are pretty much guaranteed to keep them from getting bored.

Each of these fun rainy-day games is not only a good time, but they're also easy to throw together!

1. Balloon boppers


Making your own boppers with dollar store materials is surprisingly easy. Add an indoor version of tennis, and you've hit the rainy day activity jackpot. Of course, Sinclair was quick to mention that this game won't break anything. Add hitting challenges like "behind the back shots" and "play from a crab-walk position," and "how many volleys can you make in a row" to keep things interesting.

2. DIY sensory table


Young kids are like moths to the flame when it comes to sensory tables. Just check out any preschool classroom for proof. Well, now you can create your own with supplies you've found around the house or inexpensive grocery store items. Then, add small plastic animals and kid-sized tools for play.

3. Create your own colorful rain clouds


Using materials you have at home (shaving cream, water and food coloring), you can easily create this colorful and artistic science experiment over and over. Yes, it really does simulate a giant rain cloud.

4. DIY walking stilts


Kids LOVE tromping around on these and they strengthen balancing skills and agility. Plus they're just plain fun. Use your imaginations to pretend to be dinosaurs, elephants, or your own made up monster!

5. Pool noodle pom-pom shooters


Sounds intimidating, but trust us: This is the way to your kid's heart (and it won't wreck your home). Create a safe and silly pom-pom shooter using dollar store pool noodles, decretive duct tape, and craft store pom-poms. Make some paper plate targets to hang about the house with points on them, or let kids blast each other. No tears in this game!