Charlie Dreams Big: These parents' sketches turn baby photos into adventurous futures

Like adorable babies? How about fabulous, fun artwork? Meet your new favorite Instagram account: Charlie Dreams Big.


Like adorable babies? How about fabulous, fun artwork?

Meet your new favorite Instagram account: Charlie Dreams Big.

Every week, Charlie Moldavon's parents post a photo of him mixed with a new sketch. We're not talking stick figures and crude lines, though; these sketches are bona fide works of art.

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Charlie's parents told PopSugar that they were originally just hoping to find a creative and out-of-the-box way to document Charlie's growth milestones: "We were racking our brains to come up with a concept... When nothing was working, Dave opened up a photo in Adobe Illustrator and began to play around with different ideas and ended up with Charlie's week one picture."

Charlie's now 41 weeks old and has almost 1,000 followers on Instagram.

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And as if their over-the-top digital scrapbooking efforts weren't enough to put other parents to shame, Charlie's mom and dad are also hoping to develop an app with pre-made backgrounds so that others can join in the fun with their own kids.

They're also thinking of creating a book using all of the images of Charlie's first year.