Meet Atlas, the rabbit so large he rides in a stroller

Atlas the giant rabbit was rescued and given a new home after hundreds of applicants offered to adopt him.


Quick as a bunny, a giant rabbit named Atlas has become a hot commodity, attracting hundreds of people who want to give the colossal critter a home.

If on first glance you thought this enormous animal was a dog, your confusion is understandable: At just 7 months old, the continental giant rabbit is as big as a West Highland terrier.

A charity launched an appeal to find Atlas a new home when his previous owner was no longer able to care for him., Jen Hislop, 43, was the lucky winner out of hundreds of other applicants.

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"I burst into tears when I got the phone call saying I had been chosen to re-home Atlas, and I cried again when I collected him," Hislop said. The North Ayrshire, Scotland, resident was so excited about her newly adopted pet that she even changed his name to Atilla the Bun Binky Master Jazz Paws — "Atty" for short.

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"Atlas is an absolute hoot and doesn’t stop running around unless he’s crashed out on his massive beanbag," she added.

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As if Atlas weren't cute enough already, when he goes out on the town, Hislop takes him in a stroller.

In short, Atlas has just the kind of luck you'd expect to get with four very large rabbit's feet!