The biggest skin-care dilemmas women face past 60 — and how to fix them

If you're still using that same old moisturizer from your 20s, it's time to listen up.


As we age, our mindset and perspective aren't the only things that change — our skin does, too! Loss of collagen, environmental exposures and hormonal ups and downs are just a few of the factors that affect how our skin reacts.

In other words: If you're still using that same old moisturizer from your 20s, it's time to listen up.

Senior woman worried by hair getting grey; Shutterstock ID 155740724; PO: today.comShutterstock

TODAY spoke to two highly respected dermatologists for the scoop on what we should be using at different stages in our lives. Dr. Joel Schlessinger, a board-certified dermatologist and CEO of, and Dr. Hilary Baldwin, medical director at The Acne Treatment and Research Center in Morristown, NJ, put together a list of the most common skin complaints they hear from women in their 20s to 80s and beyond.

It's not too late to treat the most-common concerns in your 60s and beyond.

Brown spots (lentigines)

“This is when sun related aging becomes apparent and needs to be treated with lighteners that integrate well with prescription tretinoin cream,” said Schlessinger.

The solution:

Baldwin feels a prescription hydroquinone (a skin-lightening agent) is likely to be more effective, but a less expensive alternative is Olay Pro X Spot Fading Treatment.


Olay Pro X Spot Fading Treatment, $39.99-$44.99,


Baldwin said she hears a lot of complaints from this age group about ruddiness — essentially, the red skin and blood vessels around the nose.

The solution:

She recommends a redness neutralizer, such as Rosaliac AR Intense.


Rosaliac AR Intense, $39.99,

SkinCeuticals Redness Neutralizer, $66.00,


“As we get older and skin becomes thinner, we lose some of the protective fatty layer that helps cushion blood vessels from trauma; thus, bruising may appear, especially on the arms and legs,” said Schlessinger.

The solution:

He recommends Arnica Montana, which is a flower extract, as well as glycolic acid and ceramides applied daily to the bruise-prone areas.


Dermend, $29.99,

Lac-Hydrin Five moisturizing body lotion with Alpha Hydroxy acid, $14.99,

Hair loss

Hair loss often magnifies in women, according to Schlessinger, due to nutritional deficiencies and the loss of estrogen post-menopause.

The solution:

“Look for a vitamin preparation that contains a combination of biotin, folic acid and pantothenic acid to repair and nourish the hair,” Schlessinger said. Baldwin feels that Rogaine might work well, too, especially if the loss began in the 60s.


Aviva, $59.99,

Rogaine Women's Hair Regrowth Treatment Topical Solution, Unscented, $49.99,

For all ages:

Your skin-care regimen should include protection in the morning and repair in the evening. So morning is sunscreen and antioxidants, and evening is topical retinoids, hydroxyl acids and more antioxidants. Baldwin recommends, “all ages should use a topical retinoid in the evening for cosmetic effect and to reduce the advent of skin cancer.” In sum, Baldwin says, “start protection now, and be obsessive/compulsive about sunscreen use, antioxidants, and topical retinoids.”