Give Buffalo wings, mac and cheese and other comfort foods a healthy makeover

A few simple and smart swaps from TODAY nutritionist Joy Bauer makes indulging in your favorite foods less unhealthy.


Comfort foods remind us of happy memories and make us feel warm and fuzzy all over. Unfortunately, many of our favorite goodies come packaged with startling amounts of calories, fat, sugar, and salt, and leave us feeling far from… comforted. Now, you can now have your cake (or chicken Parm!) and eat it, too, because I’ve healthi-fied every delicious indulgence under the sun — from vegetable lo mein and chicken enchiladas to chocolate milkshakes and peanut butter cups — in my new cookbook From Junk Food to Joy Food. Check out my makeovers for mac and cheese (find my recipe here), Buffalo wings and cauliflower in the videos below, and get cookin’.

For more slimming recipes, check out Joy’s new book, From Junk Food to Joy Food.