5 secrets for glowing skin through the seasons

While a healthy lifestyle really goes hand in hand with beautiful skin, here are some added pointers to keep in mind.


Today, we're talking skin and beauty tips! While a healthy lifestyle goes hand in hand with beautiful skin, there are a few simple measures you should be taking to maintain that dewy glow all year round.

Here are five of our best beauty secrets to help keep your skin looking fresh no matter the season.

Tone It Up

Hydrate from the inside out!

Cooler days may have you reaching for water less frequently than in the warmer seasons, but that doesn't mean your body needs less hydration. Quite the opposite!

Your body needs plenty of H2O for a healthy complexion. The magic number is sipping at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water throughout the day.

Need to warm up? Add herbal teas, hot water with lemon and low sodium, broth-based soups to your day too!

Find Mr. Right...

Moisturizer, that is! We all have different skin-care needs and what your best friend swears by may not be a true match for you. Our fun tip: Try all natural coconut oil right out of the shower!

Try different samples until you find what works best for your gorgeous skin. And then, use it liberally! Apply moisturizer to damp skin in order to lock in extra moisture.

RELATED: 4 skin care products to protect against cold weather

Boost Omega-3 intake!

This wonderful nutrient found in tuna, salmon, walnuts, chia and flax — just to name a few — is a must for smooth, glowing skin.

These fatty acids contribute to healthy cell membranes, protecting against wrinkles and sun damage. They also help reduce inflammation, which can cause premature aging. And if acne is on your list of concerns, consider upping the amount of omega-3 you regularly consume.

Bonus: Small amounts of healthy fats help keep you feeling full for a longer period of time!

Wash off the day.

Washing your face before slumber is hugely important. Your cells go into repair mode at night; having a clean slate will help tackle those blemishes, if any.

Woman cleaning face in bathroom ; Shutterstock ID 206652598; PO: cleansing-waters-TODAY-150323; Client: TODAY digitalShutterstock

RELATED: You're doing it wrong! How to wash your face

Don't put the SPF away.

We tend to think of SPF as a sunny day staple, but UV rays are just as present on gloomy days.

It's a good idea to apply SPF to your face and other exposed areas daily. You’ll be pleased to have a healthy, even-toned complexion for years to come.

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Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott are the founders of Tone It Up — a fitness and lifestyle brand. They are certified personal trainers, nutritional coaches, and best friends. Karena and Katrina have taken the world by storm with their fun, quirky and energetic approach to fitness and have built a vibrant community based around friendship, accountability, motivation, and inspiration. To learn more, follow them on www.ToneItUp.com and @ToneItUp.