Jenna Bush Hager on potty-training daughter Mila: 'It worked — hallelujah!'

Jenna Bush Hager reveals how she helped potty train her 2-year-old daughter Mila over their snowed-in weekend.


Jenna Bush Hager's revealed the trick she used to successfully potty train her 2-year-old daughter, Mila, over the weekend: "Every possible toy."

Jenna said she and her husband, Henry, took advantage of being snowed in over the weekend to finally ditch their daughter of diapers. But while subbing for Kathie Lee during the Fourth Hour, Jenna admitted she was a bit self-conscious about how she went about helping Mila reach that milestone.

RELATED: Is this normal? Here's expert help for parents struggling with potty training

She surrounded the girl with plenty of books, dolls and numerous other toys.

"I'm a little bit afraid, and I don't know if other people feel that way, that I'm raising somebody that needs a lot of props to use the restroom,” she said.

Mila Hager learned how to use the potty with the help of 'every possible toy,' according to her mom.Jenna Bush Hager

But in the end, who cares when the result is a success?

"It worked. Hallelujah!" Jenna said.

RELATED: Anna Faris shares her adorable 3-year-old son's potty-training fail

She then acknowledged that it was only “my pure laziness” that prevented her from getting the job done earlier.

"Mila could have been potty trained by now, but I’m like, ‘Do we really want to waste a whole weekend potty training?’ I feel badly about that.” Jenna said.

But she didn't feel badly when Mila had her first accident during a short jaunt to Starbucks, where she peed on her dad's leg.

"She was like, 'I don't need to go pee pee,' and then 3, 2, 1. Henry's like, 'What's wet?' Jenna recounted.