Chaming French bulldog is slip slidin' away in the snow

In an adorable video, a dog takes a few steps into the light dusting on the ground, gathers speed and ... whoosh!


There are those of us who hate wintertime and all that snow. Then there are those of us who, given a chance, would love to hurl ourselves headlong into the snow and slide away forever.

This French bulldog is just like that.

MORE: Baby and French bulldog born the same day instantly become the best of friends

In an adorable, too-brief video posted to YouTube by Neil Brown, the dog takes a few steps into the light dusting on the ground, gathers speed and ... whoosh! He hurls himself against the ground, leaving a long skid mark.

MORE: French bulldog pup wakes up owner with adorable face gnawing

If dogs could laugh, we know we'd be hearing some delighted cries of joy.

And ... he's off!YouTube

But maybe snow isn't necessary to get this little one going: He apparently likes to slide on grass as well!

Whatever the turf, here's hoping he continues to go slip sliding away!

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