Woodpecker gives weasel a bird's-eye view with piggyback flight

Think you know nature? Think again! The wide world of wilderness always keeps us guessing.


Think you know nature? Think again! The wide world of wilderness always keeps us guessing.

For example: You probably never thought you'd see a weasel riding a woodpecker's back midflight — at least not outside of a cartoon. Well ...

Yes, that fantastical image is real. The photographer who witnessed and documented the rare spectacle in London on Tuesday is Martin Le-May.

While the image is undeniably amazing — for some of us, it conjures up further images of an adorably cooperative animal kingdom — it's not actually an example of a couple of feathered and furry BFFs.

The weasel was on the attack!

"I heard a distressed squawking noise and feared the worst," Le-May told BBC News Tuesday. "I think we may have distracted the weasel, as when the woodpecker landed it managed to escape and the weasel ran into the grass."

So a great photo and a happy ending — though the weasel likely thinks it could have had an ever happier ending for him.

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