This cat carrier with a bubble window will turn your cat into a purr-fect astronaut

Cats can have a whole new perspective inside this futuristic looking cat carrier.


Most cats absolutely hate being confined in a traveling carrier. But your feline friend may feel differently about these carriers, designed by U-Pet, that tout a projecting bubble window for him or her to take in a view.


Cats can take off with a view in this carrier which comes in a variety of colors and styles. It's available as a shoulder bag, a rolling suitcase, and two types of backpack. Kitty can get fresh air in any of the models via multiple netted screens.

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The product is gaining steam online, with some cat owners pining over the kitty carrier on social media.

One excited tweeter noted that Amazon is already out of stock of the innovative cat carrier.

The news of a product sell-out may come as a surprise to U-Pet. Deo Foo, a marketing strategist and head of distribution at U-Pet, based in NYC, said that that carrier was launched in 2013, and that since then, sales have been in a slump.

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"We [the carriers] in also almost 30 independent retail stores in NYC, and those retailers are not getting good sales results," Foo told, adding that the products have been hosted on Amazon for over a year, where until now, there's been little movement. "Amazon didn't promote the products," Foo sad.

So what led to the sudden boom of interest? Foo credits social media.

"We have had no other choice but to promote on Facebook. We shared a lot of our pictures out to cat lovers. They like them and share again," Foo said.

Another probable reason the products are taking off is that — though Foo said they can be used for dogs, they were designed with cats in mind — particularly for indoor-only cats who don't get to see much of the world on a daily basis.

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"Dogs always get to go out for walk, but cats cannot," said Foo. "Cats are also shy and need extra protection."

And what feels more protective than a big plastic bubble where you can see but not have to interact with the world around you?

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